• SpiroTrap

Dirt separator



SpiroTrap dirt separator ensures a quick and efficient dirt separation and removal, which is essential for cost control and energy conservation.

Modern energy-efficient heating and cooling systems work optimally if the system fluid does not contain dirt. In untreated systems, dirt accumulates throughout the system and its components. Studies and practical experience show that especially magnetite reduces significantly energy efficiency, and therefore leads to higher energy costs. This is why fast and efficient dirt removal is extremely important.

Spirotech offers a comprehensive range of SpiroTrap dirt separators specifically designed for the dirt removal. The smaller dirt separators are brass, and the larger ones are steel. The magnetically amplified SpiroTrap is also great as a side current filter.



SpiroTrap, SpiroTrap Magnet, SpiroTrap MB3, SpiroTrap MBL


Brass, Brass and machine steel and stainless steel AISI 316

Flow rate

0,36 – 225 l/s

Liquid temperature range

0 … +110°C


Air conditioning systems, Closed systems, Heating systems, Industrial systems


Hot and cold oxygen-free water, Glycols, Other heat transfer fluids

Nominal pressure

PN10, PN6

Pressure drop

1,3 – 31,2 kPa

Connection sizes

G 3/4" – DN300